Out we come

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Steve Arterburne NOTES

Healing is a choice. The brain is the most malfunctioning organ a human has.
People judge poeple every day. Here is a formula to stick with.
  • CHOICE TO FORGIVE - fear is all around us in all forms. - What is yout fear in forgiveness.
  • Here is a new phrase to most people, justifiable forgiveness.
  • People often encourage us to hold onto our unforgiveness saying we should or of course we would not want to forgive afterall they did hurt you deeply?
  • This is more about them and their unwillingness to forgive then it is yours but you get sucked in by it time and time again.
  • Many times we also want the other person to hurt as much if not more then we are before we will forgive them.
  • Come to forgiveness without needing anything from them. Unforgiveness infects you and not the one you are mad at.
  • Regardless of others reaction we must find a way to forgive. Your life lays up against the wall of unforgiveness.
  • The painting of the prodical son by Rembrant, look at the hands. They do not match. One hand is BIG and pwoerful and the othetr is SMALL and shows mercy grace and forgiveness of God.
  • Why is it that one person hurts you and then everyone else that hurts you the same way pays for it
  • Unforgiveness demolishes God's son on the cross while forgiveness allows you to be free and used by God.
  • We want instant and easy forgiveness but that builds no character in you.
  • PERSEVERE-----We often ask God to fix things for us so we can know he is there in times of trouble.
  • Miracles are not every day things, that is why they are called miracles.DERRRRR!!LOL
  • When there is no solution to a probklem we must realize that through perseverence we can rely on God to bring us through.
  • We often can't see under over through or around our problems but down the road we find out God was there all along.
  • When I am in my own power I give in to temptation time and time again. In Christ we can persevere in spite of our temptations and gain the strength to resist them. John 10:10
  • Some people are so riddled with shame, perhaps in a marriage Job or relationship.
  • Their is no condemnation or shame in Christ. When we go through stuff Saten often wispers in our ears undeserving things and we begin to feel like 2nd class christians. God says STOP listening and look to me for truth.
  • We have many storms in our lives that are powerful and emotional.We often spend our lives swimming upstream paddleling against the flow, going against the current in search thinking we will get the payoff that will bring security. What we do not often see is the POWER of the UNDERCURRENT that sucks us under and we often drown.When we finally can't paddle anymore and our own strength is gone, everyone has given up on you, then, you can flow with the current God chose for you even prior to your existance.
  • When we surrender, hope and peace come in and then we can abide under the shadow of the all mighty and persevere.
  • It is not so hard to hang on to God hen you stop hanging on to self.
  • As the man near the pool had the choice you do as well.
  • You have no excuse to lay down on your mat you simply have a CHOICE.
  • Their is no difficulty or shock when God is on your side
  • Thank you for letting me share!!!