Out we come

Thursday, March 24, 2005

Stating over house notes( purpose driven lives)

Purpose is inherent in who you are. Your purpose gives birth to you. It can't be found.
Secrets will keep you stuck and do not serve you. Freedom lies in exposing and sharing those secrets.

What you say about yourself can lead to a belief that it is true.
EXAMPLE-- I am fat, I am stupid, I am ugly, I am an alcoholic.
The bible says: As a man thinketh in his heart so is he. Death and life are in the power of the tounge. Many times we become what we say or think.

If you do not use things for their intended purpose you do notget the most of ful use from that tool.
Knowledge and experience upgrade your purpose.
We discard the things in our lives if we do not embrace the purpose of them.
If you do not know the purpose you will give up easily.
I am powerless over people places and things.

What we are as human being is displayed in our ability to start over again and again.
Real life is MESSY!!! Asking for help is what connects us.

It takes tremendous courage to walk away.
Hope is the gift you recieve when you walk away. WOW WOW WOW!!!!!

When the student is ready the teacher (A.KA. CHRIST!!) will appear.
Gby my brothers;


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