Out we come

Thursday, October 14, 2004

A word from the Lord

Here this word from the Lord. Read it all!!!!IF GOD HAD NOT STOOPED DOWN, COULD I HAVE REACHED UP.God who is perfect stooped down so I could be lifted up. In my imperfections, He stooped down. With my negative attitude, God stooped down. When I was steeped in depression, God stooped down. When my life was threatened by the devil, He stooped down.When I lost Karla God stooped down. When I needed an answer God stooped down. In my disobiedence God stopped down. When the doctors said I was going to die, He stooped down. When I was blinded by my own sin, He stooped down. When people said I was no good, God stooped down. When I was guilty, God stooped down.When I was at my lowest GOD stooped down. When I deserved to be stoned, God stooped down. When I had noone else to listen, God stooped down. When I was steeped in self pity, God stooped down.?????? What has God stooped down and done for you? I WANT YOU TO REPLY TO THIS E MAIL WITH YOUR LIST OF WHAT GOD HAS DONE FOR YOU.When we put action with our faith and dig he will do more then we can even ask or comprehend. When you face the boss you do not like, take your shovel. When your friends put you down, take your shovel. When the devil comes and torments you, take your shovel. When you are overwhelmed, take your shovel, When the pressure is more then you can bare, take your shovel. When the devil says you have lost, take your shovel. When you relapse in your co-dependency, take your shovel. When your past is dark, take your shovel. When your past still effects you, take your shovel. When the pain is more then you can bare, take your shovel. When you are ready to give up, take your shovel.AS WE GO THROUGH JOB MAY WE KEEP OUR SHOVEL HANDY SO WE CAN DIG!!!!!


At 11:14 PM, Blogger Old SAW - S. A. Wilson said...

I am never perfect
but in His perfect touch
am perfected
because he stooped for me.

he stoops because i can't reach up... when im down...
he stooped for me when i held on to my pride and road it into the ground... stooped for me burried in my shame... he stooped for me when i was alone... when i had pushed everyone away... when i had given up... when i lost hope... he stooped down to my level... where i was... where i could crawl... the rise then stand then walk then run then fly... to the son.


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