Out we come

Sunday, October 10, 2004

This is the day the Lord has made

Happy Sunday to you.
Yesterday was a day of reflection as to wear I am.
Today I think of letting go of some things.
Let go of the dead things in your life.
God is a god of the living.
Come out of the dead coma of past dreams into the now of God.
God blind me to my purpose so I can see your pupose for me.
The bible is my construction document. So Lord help me build
a teple that will stand the storms and tests of the Devil.
We are limited to what we can see. It is in the unseen unfit
uncomprehendable vision and plan of Chirst our answers are found.


At 12:05 PM, Blogger Old SAW - S. A. Wilson said...

let it go yes, but more, let me go.

according to cs lewis:
jesus came, not to torment the old me, not to challenge, chase, or chastise the old me... he came to KILL the old me. only then to have new life.

sometimes it seems like a slow death.

according to rick warren in day 4:
i must give up the fantasy of a life of perfectly harmonious relationships, with out conflicts, where every compromise is joyful.

my dead life was in struggling for me. lord let me live now only for you and accept all my struggles, as james calls me to, in pure joy.


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